Friday, June 07, 2013

The River

An event that I look forward to every year is when the North Saskatchewan River breaks up.  I cross over the river everyday, I live along the edge of the river.  I love it! 
As the river broke this year I was driving home from work and I saw how fast the river was flowing and how high it was.  I raced home and picked up the girls and we found a safe spot to watch the river flow.
North Saskatchewan River, Prince Albert, SK
river 2
What an incredible sight.  It was racing by so fast that it was giving me motion sickness!
river 4
Here is a video that my daughter made while we were at the rivers edge.  Enjoy listening to our family banter.  Yes, we are quite entertaining.
Our riverbank is extremely under utilized.  It was great to see so many people gathered at the river to check out this annual event.

As we watched the ice flow by it was just mesmerizing.  The rush of the water and ice, flowing with a vengeance.  The flow was so strong that it was stripping the bark off the bottom of the trees.  Envision the rush, now read these words: “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

Imagine that the rush of the North Saskatchewan River is flowing the love of God out of our hearts and blessing those around us.  That the ice that sometimes forms in our hearts breaks down with the warmth of God’s love and it explodes out of us that we can’t hold it back and others can’t help but notice. 

Oh, if that is the life that I could live each and every day……..  Lord, help me to fill my heart with your Word and may it overflow with living water.

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