Monday, March 22, 2010

31 Day Challenge- Proverbs Chapter 22

Today’s Proverbs Podcast from Al Fike really kicked me in the butt.  I have to admit that I was having a few issues this morning with my daughters and this podcast entitled “Family Matters” was something that I really needed to hear.

I need to take a look in the mirror and I need the wisdom to make this family work together.

The questions at the end of the podcast are:

  1. If there was one thing that you could change about your family situation what would it be?
  2. How could you be a better example in your home?
  3. What is your daily prayer concerning your family?

It is incredible when you take a step back and look from the outside in at your situation how much clearer it can become.  As I spent the morning frustrated with my daughters in the end I realized that it was really my issue that I needed to address.  After school today I sat down with my girls and apologized for this morning and  I tried to explain the situation from my perspective.  I think a lesson was learned by all.

This was such a good podcast for Chapter 22!

Parenting is difficult.  In my book I wrote a chapter called “Parental Dictatorship”.  Many teens think that their parents are making their lives miserable because of all the rules, etc.  I wanted to help the girls understand that, that isn’t the case.  I studied many scriptures on parenting, many which were found in Proverbs and I started the chapter explaining the responsibilities of a parent as explained in scripture.  When you start seeing it from that perspective many of my readers then realize that parenting is a little more difficult than they thought. 

I know I didn’t understand it until I was holding my daughter in my arms and understanding the trust that God had given me to raise her according to His will.  My husband and I tried for a while to have a child and after a couple of miscarriages we started the application process for adoption.  That was a difficult time, but now that I look back on it I can now see that I wasn’t ready at the time.  I had a hard life lesson that I had to learn first and when our first daughter came along the timing was perfect.

V.6 “Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.”

I like that verse, it reminds us to teach, not demand, not to choose the path for them.  But to teach. 

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”—Author unknown


  1. Yes parenting can be a blessing and a MIRROR!!
    My daughter is 11. She can take one look at me and know what I am thinking. The Lord has taught me many things through this little mini me...
    How I got a child who says to me: Mom lets go deeper, whats really going on?? all GOD! She wont let me ignore anything!!:0) Gotta love preteens

  2. Many teens think that their parents are making their lives miserable because of all the rules, etc.

    How timely! My 14 year old absolutely thinks this. All the chats, teaching, and lectures go in one ear and out the other at this stage in the game. All that's left is prayer...a mother on her knees and I think this is what God wants from me(us)!

    I'll be praying for you and your girls!


I love to hear your thoughts, please feel free to share with me.