Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thankful Thursday- Daughters

thankful thursday

Sorry not to brag but I love my girls and they are so darn cute!  You just have to agree!

Acacia and Nevaeh Fall 2010Acacia  Nevaeh

My oldest looks so much like me.  She is growing up to be a beautiful young lady.  And check out my youngest hair, her hair matches the leaves!  She has the most gorgeous natural highlights and curls.

I am so thankful that I can be their Mom.  It is a beautiful journey to see them grow and develop into who they have been created to be.  With their own unique gifts and talents.  Thank you God for the gift of these two beautiful daughters that you have given to us.

Thankful Thursday FriendsBonnie @ Where did all this come from?     Melissa @ A Penny Saved 

Kim @ Home is where your Story begins

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