Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I am so tired, I have had such a full day. I guess I do feel that I have accomplished a lot today but it was a lot of unexpected things. I am learning how to cope with the unexpected. I am such a structured, schedule, to-do list type of person that when things get into my plans I don't always react positively. But I am getting better. Today was so crazy I just decided to go with the flow.

I also had one of those days where you really evaluate your parenting skills. How am I doing as a parent, what kind of choices will my girls be making 10 years from now? Sometimes I look into their eyes and wonder what they are thinking. If I am doing all that I can -- could I be doing things better to help them be all that they have been created to be. I guess time will tell, but it is always good to have a wake up call every now and then to make sure that you are taking your job seriously.

I wanted to write more but my girls fell asleep while I was making supper, so they have been asleep since about 5:30 so I am not sure if they are going to sleep through the night and what time they may wake up. So I should get some sleep while I can. I will write tomorrow about my exciting journey travelling to Winnipeg for my 'It's a New Day' interview taping.

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