When I was in Ontario for my book tour, I was at a Christian bookstore doing a book signing and they put my table right beside their sale table. So guess what I did whenever I had a break from signing books? I was shopping. But I found an amazing find. Something that I have been interested in purchasing for a while but just couldn't find it in the budget.
I found the Bible on CD in the New Living Translation. WOW! I was so thrilled, I set it aside immediately and I have been enjoying it so much. I have never wanted to spend so much time in my kitchen as I do now. I listen to it as I am doing the dishes, making supper, I have spent all afternoon making apple crisp for the family and mini chocolate chip banana bread muffins for the lunch at the church on Sunday. I have listened to the whole book of Acts this afternoon and I am hearing it in a way that is helping me to understand differently, almost with new ears. If that makes sense? It has been really awesome. I will have to share some of the things I am learning through my blog, but I will be saving some for my next book. I just love it when something in the scriptures jumps out at me and helps me learn.
Something else new that I have been doing lately is that I got a new Bible. Most people would freak! They have everything nicely underlined and circled in their Bibles and would be lost without their special copy. But I found that when I was studying and I came to a part that I had underlined I would skip it because I felt that I had already been there done that and so I didn't need to read it any more. So I found a beautiful Bible that inspired me and I haven't underlined a thing. Everything is new and ready for me to discover and it is awesome! Amazing what a new perspective will give you.
Here's a challenge for you today. Is there something you can alter in your life to make it new and exciting again. I'm not referring to your husband either, that is only something that God can do. But is there something that is dragging you down that can be tweaked a little?

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