Thursday, November 05, 2009

Wake up Call!

Yesterday at school Nevaeh was working on printing in class.  Her substitute teacher told her that she was doing a good job and that Nevaehmaybe she would be an author someday. Nevaeh replied, "So I can be just like my Mom!"

This is the story that I heard when I went to read with the Grade one class yesterday.  It was a very proud Mama moment. And also very humbling as I began to think about our actions as parents and how they affect our children.

I knew in my gut that I need to publish my book, but I never thought about what impact or example I would be setting with my children. 

I have to admit that my book has been somewhat of a headache for me because of my lack of knowledge of the publishing industry.  I wish I could go back and change things.

What I have realized is that no dream is ever too big.  And even though things did not go as I would have liked with my book that it doesn’t matter.  I set a positive example for my children and that is all that matters.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could go back and change some things too but I've been told that sometimes we need to do things the difficult way to learn and grow! Perseverance is a huge testimony!!

    I've always been interested in writing so lately I've been mucking around and my 14 year old said "are you going to write a should mom!" Yikes! lol...Out of the mouths of babes, eh!
    cheers - Nikki


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