On January 25th at 11:30am CST I am going to be teaching an online session at the “A Woman Inspired Conference”.
My session is:
Work with God, Not for God
Have you ever felt like you were banging your head against the wall doing things for God and not seeing any results? This was the pattern of my life for a long time until I realized what I was doing wrong. I had good motives and intentions, only I was running ahead of God and expecting Him to become involved in what I was doing. I was doing things ‘for’ God, but I wasn’t working ‘with’ God. Join me in discovering that when we allow God to work within us that He can effectively use our gifts and talents to work with Him and He will be able to accomplish infinitely more that you would ever dare to ask or hope.
This conference is very unique so I thought I would share with you how it works:
An online audio conference uses the Internet as a conference venue. What this means to you is that you will be able to access the conference from anywhere in the world using standard browser software which we provide. This software is compatible with all computers including Macs and it is provided by us, to you, with the cost of admission. All you need is a computer, internet connection, and speakers!
No traveling is required
Well, except a walk over to where your computer is located. But, there are no layovers, no shuttles and no hotel rooms. Ah well, there goes room service. I hope your fridge is stocked.
Makeup and fixed hair is optional
BUT, let me point out how much better you will feel if you actually do get out of the sleep clothes, splash some water on your face, apply some face powder and give your hair a quick fix. C’mon ladies. Show yourself some love.
No childcare needed
Okay so someone has to watch the little ones while you are being transformed but we are women and we can do two things at one time, right?
Financially possible
I am the first one to exhale loudly when I hear of the cost of some conferences and although I admit that nothing can replace that special experience at least now we have an alternative when money is tight. And hey… at this price you can afford to buy more great products from your favourite speaker, eh?
I want to support this ministry and help it to grow and help as many as possible. So I want to encourage everyone to register for the conference HERE for only $12.95 for 19 sessions! If you can’t listen to them live you can download the sessions and listen whenever you like.
I am also going to give away 5 tickets- the first 5 people to email me at cjcarleton@sasktel.net with their name and email address will receive a free ticket! Good luck and I know you will benefit from this conference!

Thanks for the opportunity and your generosity!