Do you have a bucket list?
Over the Thanksgiving weekend I was chatting with my Aunt. She was telling me that her and my Uncle are writing their bucket lists. They are each going to write a list and then compare the two lists and start working towards checking off the ones that they have in common.
What a great idea!
I have never written a bucket list, I have thought of a few things but when you make a list that involves checking things off, you are more likely to do them.
So I am now working on my list, and my husband is writing one as well. We have taken it another step further, our daughters are also writing lists and we are going to start checking off things that all four of us have in common.
My youngest came home from school the other day tell us that she had learned about the 7 wonders of Saskatchewan. So that became our first item to conquer as a family. As a family we have already visited or experienced some of them but next summer it’s camping at Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park next summer.
What would be on your list? Leave me a comment and let me know, and it will inspire me to add to my list!
Have a beautiful day,
Well, exciting news for me. I won a local photography contest! I just love taking pictures. Last night I had a half an hour before I had to pick up my girls at youth (I can’t believe that they are old enough to go to youth) so I thought about what errand I might do. Then I looked in my new awesome bag from Jo Totes……
and saw my beautiful camera! So I drove down to the riverfront and starting snapping pictures! So much fun!
I am so thankful that I purchased a new camera that I can documents these moments. So are you wondering about the photo that won the contest? Here it is…..
This is our Provincial flower and it is actually growing in my flower bed! I do not have a green thumb, so this flower is an accomplishment all on its own!
Have a beautiful day my friends, enjoy each moment that presents itself.
Recently my family went on an adventure. We travelled from Saskatchewan to Ontario hauling our trailer with our puppy in tow. We were travelling to visit with my family. It was four and a half days of driving 8 – 9 hours a day. We saw a lot of sights, I took a lot of pictures (over 800) and we had a lot of family time. I am so thankful that our family doesn’t mind being trapped in small quarters from long periods of time. Whether it is the truck, camper or boat we like to hang out together.
Years ago we did this drive and there were a few memorable campsites that we stayed at that we wanted to visit again. Rainbow Falls, Ontario was one of them. Last time we stayed in the campground on the shores of Lake Superior, what a beautiful campground. We stayed there again this time but we also visited the campground with the falls. Our family and puppy did the 3K hike and it was beautiful.
On our way back we crossed a bridge and I could help but pause and stare at the tree that was growing in the middle of the rapids. So many times I feel that tree. Like I am standing in the middle of rapids with everything rushing around me. That overwhelming feeling of continuous chaos.
But as I stood there thinking, contemplating, taking pictures I thought about how strong that tree must be. That it is determined to stand its ground no matter what is going on around it.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13