Saturday, April 05, 2008


Sorry it has been awhile, I have been procrastinating writing this entry. I am writing this with great difficultly and humility. A week ago now I went and spent the evening with the girls from First Baptist, and after that night I have really felt God convicting me or showing something in myself. I have been journaling and trying to deal with it within myself and now it is time for me to share.

I have to start with an apology. In any of my pass speaking events if I have ever made you feel like I was judging you I am sorry. God has been showing me that I have been judgemental, but not in the sense that most people judge. I am not judging people by what they have done or who they are, I judge based on what I see in them and that they are not living up to the potential that they have in Jesus Christ. I shared this with my husband and he tried to make me feel better by telling me that, that is what I am passionate about, so it is understandable.

I realize that is my passion but I don’t want to come across as being judgemental but rather sharing the knowledge and vision that I have been given through God’s love and acceptance.
I honestly believe that in this past week that I have changed and become a better person. I am thankful that I am challenged to grow. That I am being moulded into all that I can be. Thank God that I don’t stay where I am but I continue to develop the character of Jesus Christ a little each day. Philippians 1:11 “May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation- the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ- for this will bring much glory and praise to God.”

I have had quite the week of struggling with myself to come to this point. I have to say it has been quite a character building experience that I am thankful for. I am also thankful for my wonderful friend who called me out of the blue this morning and spent time in prayer with me. I think back to my high school years and longing for a good friend and now I have been blessed with friends that are so dear to me.

I hope that all who read this entry understand the potential that you have, don’t sell yourself short. You can do and be more that you can ever imagine.

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