Tuesday, March 02, 2010

31 Day Challenge, Proverbs Chapter Two

Hope you were able to download and listen to the podcast, that is great.  I am so enjoying this.  I can’t believe how good I feel and it has only been two days! 

I love the beginning of Chapter two as it asks us to listen, to treasure, to tune our ears, to concentrate, to cry out for insight, to search.  Those words describe a yearning, an unquenchable desire for wisdom.  I desire that feeling.  To want wisdom; then we will gain knowledge of God.  For the Lord grants wisdom! (v.6)

V. 10  “Wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will fill you with joy!”

I don’t think that I will ever forget the day when I was being a complaining wife and my husband told me to go and sit down and read the book of Philippians and highlight the words “joy” and “rejoice”.  My husband was away at the time and he told me he wasn’t going to talk to me anymore until I did his assignment and when I was done then I could call him back.  I thought about never calling him again or even calling him a few names that small children shouldn’t hear.  But deep down I knew he was right. 

I obediently sat down with my Bible and highlighter and went about my task.  When you stop thinking about yourself it’s amazing how small your problems become.  As I read through the book of Philippians I could see the contentment of Paul.  He is in prison and writing about joy and contentment in Christ.  Wow, talk about putting things into perspective. 

Verse 10 reads that knowledge will fill you with joy.  When we have the wisdom and knowledge found in the scriptures, it can only bring us joy as we see God’s promises laid out in front of us.  Amen!

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